He had a point then and he most certainly still has
a point now.
Where did this come from, this effort to abolish “contingency”?
A powerful synergy was created by the combination of
Victimism and organized Advocacy. The Victimist approach is that many (many
many, if you tote up the putative constituencies that the organized Advocacy
interests claim to represent) are ‘victimized’ by this or that ‘structural’
element in the make-up of societies and cultures – and wouldn’t be (and I
agree) wonderful if all this ‘victimization’ could be gotten rid of?
The organized Advocacy approach – drawing deeply
from Alinsky and Gramsci (both of whom drew deeply from the Marxist-Leninist
universe) – was that since a) the dominant and oppressive and hegemonic forces
in culture and society pretty much sustained the status-quo against the ‘marginalized’
(Gramsci’s term) and since b) only political power would solve the problem –
that power to be achieved by whatever means necessary to wield a counter-power
to the elements of the status-quo, then
you had to force the government to work in the interests of the ‘marginalized’
and the ‘victimized’.
In the service of such a good Cause – and soused
with the ‘revolutionary’ approach to politics (you don’t seek to ‘understand’
but rather you work to ‘change’; and you don’t let yourself be sidetracked from
your plan by ‘facts’ or worries about consequences or by deliberating and
consulting with people who ‘just don’t get it’ in the first place) – then whatever
force or pressure you can manage to exert by whatever means you can achieve it
is ‘baptized’. (Long before Bush-Cheney, this country’s politics had started to
walk on the dark side.)
Coincidentally, in those late 1960s Italian radical
students (also soused with Gramsci but even more with Mao) were chanting the
mantra: Where violence reigns, only
violence will help. Over here there was some overt violence, but what
escaped notice was the tremendous amount of violence done to the Framing Vision
by the adoption of major and fundamental elements from the
Marxist-Leninist-Gramscian-Maoist political universe.
Flowing into the powerful stream of American
can-do-ism (LBJ was especially noted for it, and with a hefty Texas helping of brawn
and brass), and driven by demographic desperation by the dissolution of the
almost 40-year old New Deal coalition, the late-60s and early-70s Beltway
simply started accepting whatever agendas were pushed their way, aimed at
eradicating as many of the ‘oppressions’ of American life as might be
identified by this or that among a burgeoning roster of organized Advocacies
now sensing broad sunlit uplands in the distance and a clear path opened for
them through the corridors of the Beltway.
In this, the Beltway quickly adapted what Theodore
Lowi had identified in March of 1967 as the well-established postwar Beltway strategy
Lowi called “interest group liberalism”: the Beltway would allow major interest
groups (at that time big labor, big business, and big agriculture) to write up
the regulations and laws that they could all live with, the administration sort
of refereeing the production sessions.
Extending this already-established procedure to the
now burgeoning roster of organized Advocacies, We wound up with what I would
call “advocacy group liberalism”, and those groups too were allowed to almost
literally write the laws and regulations they wanted to see implemented
Combined with this was a growing tendency toward a secularism that eschewed any reliance
on any Beyond to support folks or assist them in dealing with the difficulties
of ‘life’, or what Shakespeare had called “the slings and arrows of outrageous
Fortune”. In fact – and as Marx had said
– ‘religion’ simply blunted the desire of the masses to work toward improving
their own situation (and as Lenin added, the masses can’t be relied upon to
help themselves, and the vanguard-elite cadres would have to mount up and herd
the cattle … for their own sake).
Having gotten into the game for what it may have
thought was a dime, the Beltway was now in it for a dollar. And the dollars and
the demands added up quickly and began to exert a cumulative force – I would
say an increasingly intensifying deranging force – on all aspects of government
(legislation, jurisprudence, enforcement) and on increasingly broad sectors of
American life, society, and culture as well.
And – having now put itself in the position of
getting rid of any Beyond that might assuage and assist folks – the Beltway
found itself increasingly taking over functions formally ascribed to the
Which could and can only forebode lethally ominous developments
for any constitutional, limited, republican and democratic form of government.
As We have seen now for the past forty Biblical
years and more.
Thus too the ancient spirit of Leviathan, called
back to life by its newly-created robust mate, Leviatha from the new Left, once
again began to stalk the land and – more dangerously – the corridors and streets
of the Beltway.
Fortified as well by a hefty infusion of legal ‘positivism’:
‘positivism’ is a poorly named term. It stems from the Latin ponere, to place or to put in place. ‘Positivism’
is the translation in English, but it’s a poor choice because in English it’s
associated quickly in the mind with something ‘positive’ and thus ‘good’.
But what the
term is actually describing is a government that puts its laws in place; it ‘posits’
The ‘-ism’ stems from the assumption that whatever
law a government puts in place is ipso
facto valid and inarguable simply because the government has done it, has
put it in place.
There is no Higher Law (from any Beyond) to which
the law must conform and by which it must be judged, and there is no Higher Law
to which a positing-government need answer or to which it must conform or by
which it might be judged.
‘Positivism’ effectively removes any law put in
place by the government from any limiting factor whatsoever, beyond such
political power as the Citizenry might exercise (that same political power that
the vanguard-elites of the organized Advocacies had been working so hard to
grasp for their own purposes and agendas).
You see how things began to go.
As the government and the Beltway became
increasingly indentured to the new client-constituencies, and fortified by a
healthy fear of having Alinsky-type demonstrations organized against this or
that pol outside his/her office, then “advocacy group liberalism” increasingly
became a powerful force demanding that the government resolve or eradicate (or –
more ominously – prevent) an ever-expanding panoply of misfortunes and ills and
Government began to get into the God-business
big-time, and – worse – began to assume the God-role.
And in so doing it began to depart from the Framing
Vision big-time: the most basic rights now (to privacy and to property) have
come now to be considered in Correct and elite thought – as in Marx’s thought –
as nothing but obstructions designed to maintain the status-quo hegemony of the
dominant oppressors, and if the government ‘granted’ them (the Framers thought
they were merely ‘recognizing’ them) then the government can taketh-them-away.
No questions asked, or ask-able.
Thus Wieseltier – hardly alone in his observation –
notes that the political and cultural energies and consciousness of the country
(government and citizenry, culture and society) was geared toward the
expectation that government would not simply manage the big corporations more
equitably but that it would – through various broad and forceful and imposed
re-jiggering of ‘structural’ causes – eradicate just about anything that some
organized Advocacy insisted was a pain, or a problem, or a ‘victimization’.
And here We are.
All too often too many people look to the government
to solve all the problems of life; they see themselves as the victims of ...
something; they want the road smooth and the American Garden freed from all the
toils and tribulations. People with a life-stance like this aren't going to be
up to the task of being The People, the ultimate governors of their government.
They are, rather, in mind and heart, its clients and dependents.*
Yet ‘life’ remains stubbornly painful. As the
novelist Marguerite Duras put it through one of her characters: “Very early in
my life, it was already too late”. Just so.
This ‘secularist positivism’ is of course averse to
being judged by any Higher Law. And that, I strongly think, is part of the
reason for the general and almost-instinctive government animus to the Catholic
Church, which stands as a major obstacle to its agenda and its very existence
as a political vision and a political force in this country.
The Church stands as an obstacle because she stands
precisely and faithfully (some will say obstinately, stubbornly, and
obstructively) for that Higher Law. The Church herself is imperfect, not being “divine”
herself and comprised of humans constructed – as is everybody – by the “crooked
timber of humanity”. But the stands for that Higher Law and no
secular-positivist government, no Leviathan (or Leviatha) can tolerate that
type of ‘threat’ to its hegemony and dominance (and – I am sure We shall see – ‘oppression’).
One does not need to be a Catholic to be concerned
or to be ‘empowered’ as a Citizen to do something about all this.
One need only believe as a rock-bottom first
principle that the single monoplane of this earthly existence is not the only
Plane of Existence and that there is a Higher Plane of Existence, wherein
dwelleth principles, or Principles, and perhaps the Source of all such
Principles as the nation was founded-upon.
That position is philosophically quite viable and
enjoys a heritage that goes back to Plato and Aristotle.
And though they may be classic ‘dead white European
males’, yet at this point We need all the help We can get.
*You think of the Brits in the Blitz and throughout
that war, even when in summer ’44 that V-1’s and V-2s started a second Blitz: ‘we’ll
manage’. You think of Americans here on the homefront, asking themselves all
the time: ‘Is this trip necessary?’ You think of the country – either in
uniform or under the discipline and challenges of the homefront, to say nothing
of absorbing the losses of loved ones in combat … where is that capacity among
Us now? So many are not only too young to recall or to even have parents who
can pass on such capacities of character, but are also ‘clients’ of the parent-God
government, in a national culture increasingly corroded both by consumerism and
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